PECHIL MAZ *2018, PRE stallion, 1,65m, price E

impressive, charismatic, approved PRE stallion


PECHIL MAZ * 18/04/2018 is an impressive, charismatic, approved PRE stallion with beautiful mane, shining fur and lovely character. He presents himself full of pride and elegance, showing amazing movements, high expressive action combined with very good over track and rhythmic gaits. He has best natural potential for high school dressage and has already a solid level of training including half pass, flying changes, canter pirouettes, passage and impressing Spanish Walk. He is also used to work naturally from the ground and bonds easily. He has a heart of gold and is just as easy going in the fields hacking out, has been to romerias and ferias. He is approved for breeding and would be brilliant as a future breeding stallion. His pedigree is based in Granda Losada, Señorio de Barirain, Yeguada Militar.


Additional information

age range

training level

basic, hacking, high school dressage, Natural Horsemanship




160-165 cm / 15.3-16.1 hh, 165-170 cm / 16.1-16.3 hh


P.R.E., P.R.E. approved for breeding

price range

E 20000-25000 Euro