TEMBLON FUENLEZ *2021, PRE stallion, 1,65m, price D

dapple-grey PRE stallion well ridden, clean x-rays, piro free tested! Based in old precious blood lines with Carthusian influence

Kategorie: Schlagwörter: , , ,


TEMBLON FUENLEZ *25/01/2021 is a smart, athletic dapple-grey PRE stallion mentally advanced as he has been trained by his owner a professional dressage rider. He had him examined in 2023 when he purchased him in order to make sure he is healthy and ready for his future training He has also been tested negative to piroplasmosis which makes him interesting for export. TEMBLON FUENLEZ has a mazing ancestors based in old precious lines strongly influenced by pure Carthusian breeding lines. We can find here.  Animoso XXXI (Hierro de Bocado) and Airoso X (Peralta!). Furthermore Urquijo (pure Carthusian!) and Moreno de la Cova, Cardenas, Alarcon and Esclalera.


Additional information

age range

training level

basic, hacking




160-165 cm / 15.3-16.1 hh, 165-170 cm / 16.1-16.3 hh



price range

D 15000-20000 Euro